Sunday, July 29, 2012

What do you think of the 2012 London Olympics logo?

It's fascinating what happens with a brand's development when a whole world feels personally connected to it.  We all are drawn to the Olympics as the one pure international event that we can depend on to be fair (or at least attempt to be).  Everything else, politics, war, and business is essentially a corrupt free-for-all. Which is why the reactions to the logo I've been hearing are so strong and a source of conversations just as much as the actual games. 

This year's summer Olympics is represented by an edgy, modern logo that's far from traditional.  So much so that most that see it, first can't figure out what it is.  'What are these lumpy blocks suppose to represent?  Ohhhh!  It says 2012…?! '  As a designer who's developed many logos, I was surprised to see what London's $400k Olympic branding budget came up with.  In my experience, it's absolutely unacceptable to leave so many people in doubt and unsure about what a logo represents.  The last thing you want is someone reading into your logo and saying 'it's someone getting a blow job!' or 'it says 'ZION' or just 'huh?'.  When I think of the years of planning leading up to this ultimate outcome, all I can come up with is there were simply too many cooks in the kitchen, cooking for way too long.  This logo is overcooked. 

Read about the logo and brand's intention on the Olympics' website here. 

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